A Naphthalene Sublimation Study on Heat/Mass Transfer for Flow over a Flat Plate

  • 발행 : 2004.07.01


It is important to completely understand heat/mass transfer from a flat plate because it is a basic element of heat/mass transfer. In the present study, local heat/mass transfer coefficient is obtained for two flow conditions to investigate the effect of boundary layer using the naphthalene sublimation technique. Obtained local heat/mass transfer coefficient is converted to dimensionless parameters such as Sherwood number, Stanton number and Colburn j-factor. These also are compared with correlations of laminar and turbulent heat/mass transfer from a flat plate. According to experimental results, local Sherwood number and local Stanton number are in much better agreement with the correlation of turbulent region rather than laminar region, which means analogy between heat/mass transfer and momentum transfer is more suitable for turbulent boundary layer. But average Sherwood number and average Colburn j-factor representing analogy between heat/mass transfer and momentum transfer are consistent with the correlation of laminar boundary layer as well as turbulent boundary layer.



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