A Study on the Relationship Between e-Service Orientation and Performance of Internet Business Organization

인터넷 비즈니스 조직의 e-서비스지향성 결정요인과 성과에 관한 연구

  • 박상규 (강원대학교 경영관광회계학부) ;
  • 원구현 (강원대학교 경영관광회계학부)
  • Published : 2004.06.01


Due to the change to the digital environments, the offer of services on the on-tine differs from one on the on-line. This paper Identifies what functions internet business organizations should fulfill to provide on-line services of good qualify and analyzes whether these functions lead effectively to the expected performance of Internet business firms. The components of service orientation in the Internet business organizations appear to be the servant leadership, customer treatment from the Internet service encounter, Internet service failure prevention and recovery, Internet service standards communication, Internet service training, and internet service rewards. Therefore, these determinants should be incorporated in the practices, Procedures, end routines of Internet business organizations in order to create and provide excellent Internet services. Furthermore, it is demonstrated that Internet service orientation has a significant effect on satisfaction by employees and customers, the value and quality of Internet service, and the firm's performance. This implies that the service orientation is an Important factor In the on-line service organizations and that the internet business can be successful when the service orientation is diffused throughout the firm's organizations. It is also shown that the important factors, which connect Internet service orientation and its performance, are the service quality, value of Internet service and customer satisfaction. That is, the service orientation can ultimately lead to the corporate performance when customers are satisfied after confirming the value and quality of Internet service by visiting the web site.



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