A Study on the Color Harmony Scheme of the Home Office Based on Digital Color Image Processing

디지털 이미지 색채분석을 이용한 재택근무 공간색채배색에 관한 연구

  • Published : 2004.06.01


The purpose of this study is to analyze the emotional color of home office and the trendy color with special comparison of office and library colors, and to suggest the harmony of color combination of home office based on the emotional color of this analytical data. this study, the Color Syntax Program, digital tool for color analysis of images is used. The results of this study are as follows. Firstly, the main color of home office images shows three color classifications of YR-Y, Y-GY, R-YR, and with relatively high ratios of YR-Y in the color of home offices, and B-PB, GY-G in offices and libraries. Secondly, from the point of emotional aspect, the trendy color of the home office can be classified into four color image categories: 'natural', 'peaceful', 'mild', and 'noble'. Under those categories this paper proposes 10 color harmony scheme that can be applied to color of home office interior design.



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