A Study on the Logics and the Meta-design of a Public Restroom "Between you & me"

공공화장실 "Between you and me" 의 작업논리와 메타디자인적 성격에 대한 연구

  • 오창섭 (건국대학교 예술문화대학 디자인학부)
  • Published : 2004.06.01


This thesis aims to show the design logics and the meta-design of a public restroom "Between You and Me." This work reinterprets a public restroom regarded as the typical public space by means of spatial agency's influences, on the assumption thor spatial agency controls the properties of public space. This thesis examines our representational system against the public space, and our specific experience in it with the conceptual model of meta-design. Meta-design is a design beyond the design usually we think of. Experiential meta-design, "Between You and Me" presented as the object of this thesis, is a constructive design project which converts our negative perception of the restroom to a new one, "interface." This project, composed of the surrealistic spatial arrangement, urges us to reconsider our fixed thoughts of the restroom and try a creative experience in it. Finally this thesis shows how the space's way of existence fixes our acts and thoughts, and what enables the repetitive acts and thoughts often emerged In our relations with the public space through a meta-design.c space through a meta-design.



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