안드레아 브란찌의 디자인 표현 특성에 관한 연구

A Study on the Specific Expression in the Design of Andrea Branzi

  • 한영호 (상명대학교 디자인학부 실내디자인전공) ;
  • 이은화 (플러스디자인 그룹)
  • 발행 : 2004.06.01


Modern society is indefinable and constantly changes like nature changes. It uses design to create new experiments and trend within social environment and culture. In the history of interior architecture and postmodernism, the Italian design movement of Archizoom, Studio Alchimia and Memphis are very important, and Andrea Branzi was the central figure of this design movement. His experimental and defiant works throughout this design movement produced design with combination, indefiniteness, sustentation, and reiteration. Designers must recreate themselves continually and need to have constant experimental spirit and attempts. From this point of view, the study on Andrea Branzi who led Italian design revolution with various experiments and attempts is valuable, and it will help to find the direction of design in this modern social and cultural environment.



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