일단위 온도에 기초한 증발산량의 산정

Calculation of Evapotranspiration Based on Daily Temperature

  • Oh, Nam-Sun (Department of Ocean Civil Engineeing, Mokpo National Maritime University) ;
  • Lee, Khil-Ha (Environmental Research Institute, University of Connecticut)
  • 발행 : 2004.06.01


이 연구에서는 일교차를 이용하여 일평균 증발산량을 산정한다. 이를 위하여 Thornton과 Running(1999)의 일평균 태양 복사열 산정을 위한 경험식을 이용하여 태양복사열을 계산하여 이를 현장 자료와 비교한 결과 비교적 정확한 범위 내에 있다는 것을 확인하였다. 이렇게 산정된 일평균 태양 복사열을 증발산량의 계산을 위해 Priestly Taylor 공식과 Penman 공식에 적용함으로써 현장에서의 정확성과 사용가능성을 확인해 보고자 하였다. 그 결과로 태양 복사열에 중점을 둔 Priest-Taylor 공식은 과다추정하는 경향을 보이나, Penman 공식은 비교적 정확한 증발산량의 산정을 보여 줌으로써 기상 관측 자료가 풍부하지 않은 지역에서의 사용가능성을 보여주었다. 또 계산된 증발산량을 일단위 온도만을 이용하여 증발산량을 산정하는 Hargreaves 공식과 비교하여 각 공식의 장단점을 공학적 측면에서 알아보고자 하였다.

This study presents the calculation of evapotranspiration using estimated daily incoming solar radiation based on maximum daily temperature and minimum daily temperature. The Thornton and Running method(1999) was used to estimate daily incoming solar radiation and then the resulting solar radiation was compared with the measurements. It showed that the estimated daily solar radiation was within reasonable accuracy. In turn, the estimated daily solar radiation was applied to calculate the daily evapotranspiration using the Priestly-Taylor equation and Penman equation and the general results were that evapotranspiration was overestimated in the Priestly-Taylor equation but that Penman was a good estimator with this approach. It is encouraging that it is possible to use this approach, because the required historical data for its estimation are not extensively available and it is not easy to access the meteorological stations in most areas. The calculated eyapotranspiration was compared with that of Hargreaves which was based on daily temperature, and gives us some intuition in terms of engineering.



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피인용 문헌

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