Supplement Dose and Health-Related Life Style of Vitamin-Mineral Supplement User among Korean Middle-Aged

중년기의 비타민ㆍ무기질 보충제 사용량과 건강관련 생활습관 조사

  • 김윤정 (한남대학교 교육대학원 가정교육전공) ;
  • 문주애 (한남대학교 이과대학 식품영양학과) ;
  • 민혜선 (한남대학교 이과대학 식품영양학과)
  • Published : 2004.06.01


We studied daily micronutrient intake from vitamin-mineral supplements, health-related life style, clinical case of diseases and food frequency of the Korean middle-aged (40-59 yr, n = 404) to compare the characteristics of non-user (n = 270) and user (n = 134) of vitamin-mineral supplements. Rate of supplement use of the middle-aged was 33.2% and there was significant difference in education level (p = 0.0084) and family income (p = 0.0476) of user and nonuser. Smoking habit (p = 0.0844) and drinking frequency (p = 0.0606) tended to be lower in a supplement user than a non-user. The medical history of a case was significantly higher in users (67.9%) than in non-users (44.4%) (p = 0.001), which suggests that medical history is one of the important motivations of supplement use. Supplement users had the medical history of digestive disease (34.1%), anemia (11.0%) and hypertension (9.9%) in order. Vitamin C was the most frequently supplemented nutrient (81.3%) among vitamin-mineral supplement, and the next orders were vitamins E (73.1%), B$_2$(68.7%) and B$_{6}$ (60.4%). Mean intakes of vitamin B$_1$, iron, selenium, vitamin E, and vitamin C from supplement was 4,260%, 4,030%, 1,660% and 1,330% of RDA, respectively. The supplement users tended to consume most food items including milk & milk products (p < 0.01), rice (p < 0.01), grains (p < 0.05) and cookies (p < 0.01) less frequently than non-users. Conclusively, nutrient intake of vitamin B$_1$, iron, selenium, vitamin E, and vitamin C from supplement was excessively high compared to RDA. We suggest that the toxic effect of excessive supplementation should he informed to supplement user and nutritional education should be focused on the optimal supplement dose.e.



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