패션제품의 명품 추구혜택과 상표충성도의 관계 연구

The Relationships between Benefit Seeking and Brand Loyalty of Fashion Luxury Goods

  • 발행 : 2004.06.01


This research is ultimately to understand the general behavior of luxury goods consumers and to diversify the consumer groups according to the relationships between their benefit seeking and brand loyalty. The subjects used for the research were 223 female consumers who purchased fashion luxury goods. The data were analyzed by factor analysis and multiple regression. The results showed that there were four factors in benefit seeking of luxury goods; self-improvement, aesthetics, uniqueness and quality. Each of the factors was analyzed in relation to brand loyalty and brand variety seeking motivations. Brand loyalty's factors were continuous brand loyalty, trademark brand loyalty and devoting brand loyalty. Brand variety seeking motivation factors were change/novelty seeking motivation, quality/recommendation, discounted price and unique types of product line. The consumers who were seeking self- improvement were showing trademark brand loyalty rather than continuous or devoting brand loyalty. Meanwhile, the quality benefit seeking customers showed continuous or devoting brand loyalty. The most important motivations in brand variety seeking was change/ novelty seeking. The implications and marketing strategies of the research were discussed.



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