알루미늄 5182/폴리프로필렌/알루미늄 5182 샌드위치 판재의 소성변형비 및 평면이방성

Plastic Strain Ratio and Planar Anisotropy of AA5182/Polypropylene/AA5182 Sandwich Sheets

  • 발행 : 2004.07.01


The sheet formability of single AA5182 sheets and sandwich sheets comprising of AA5182/polypropylene/AA5182 (AA/PP/AA) was studied. Rolling without lubrication and subsequent recrystallization annealing led to the formation of favorable {111}//ND fiber textures in AA5182 sheets, which provided a higher plastic strain ratio of $R_m=1.5$. $R_m$ value of 1.58 was obtained in the AA/PP/Ah sandwich sheet sample. Furthermore, a proper combination of the sample direction of the upper and lower skin sheet gave rise to an optimization of the sheet formability of the sandwich sheets.



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