- 대한토목학회논문집 v.22 no.2-C 인공신경망 기법을 이요한 국내 해성점토의 압축 특성 분석 김병탁;윤길림
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- Building Response to Excavation Induced Settlement Journal of Geotechnical Engineering v.115 no.1 Boscardin,M.D.;Cording,E.J.
- Proc. 1st Int. Conf. On Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering ASsessment of risk of damage to buildings due to tunneling and excavation Burland,J.B.
- XII Int. Conf. on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering Evaluation and control of ground movements around tunnels and excavation Cording,E.J.
- ASCE Annual Convention Excavation, Ground Movements, and Their Influence on Buildings, Protection of Structures Adajecent to Braced Excavation Cording,E.J.;O'Rouke,T.D.
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- Fuzzy and Neural Approaches in Engineering Lefteri H.Tsoskalas;Roert E.Uhrig
- Practical neural network recipes in C++ Master,T.
- MATLAB (ver6.1) The MathWorks, Inc
- Computers and Geotechnics v.28 no.Issue4 A neural network model for the uplift capacity of suction caissons M.S.Rahman;J.Wang;/W.Deng;J.P.Carter
- Journal of Geotechnical Engineering Predicting Settlement of Shallow Foundations using Neural Networks Mohamed A.Shahin;Holger R.Maier;Mark B.Jaka
- Ph.d. Dissertation, Harvard University New wols for Prediction and Analysis in the Behavior Science Werbors;Beyond Regression