서울지역 대학교 구내식당의 점심식단 분석 -직영급식 및 위탁급식 식당의 식단 비교-

The Evaluation on the Meal Pattern and Nutritional Balance for University Foodservices in Seoul - Comparison between Self-operated and Contracted management-

  • 발행 : 2004.05.01


The purpose of this study was to evaluate the meal pattern and the nutritional balance in university foodservices of Seoul. The survey was conducted using a questionnaire with 317 students at five different cafeterias that served 23 meals. We weighed all the meals offered by the university foodservices, separated the foods, and calculated their nutritional content using a computer program $\ulcorner$DS24$\lrcorner$. We also checked the dishes and those amount students consumed from the menu. The results of this study is summarized as follows. : 1) The most prevalent menu patterns included rice, soup, two side dishes, and kimchi. 2) Most nutrient contents per meal in a given menu was lower than one third of the recommended dietary allowance(RDA). 3) The mean energy content for the amount of rice that was served was 399㎉, for the side dish, it was 107㎉, and for the kimchi, it was 9.9㎉. 4) The number of total dishes and side dishes was five and two, respectively. The dietary variety score was 16.7, and the dietary diversity score was 3. 5) The mean energy intake by students at self-operated managements were 545㎉, and at one contracted management, the energy intake were 494㎉. Both of them did not serve enough to meet one third of the RDA. Nutrient adequacy ration(NAR) was 0.4∼0.9, and Index of nutritional quality(INQ) was above 0.9 for most nutrients with the exception of calcium and vitamin B$_2$.



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