공간디자인에서의 감성적 경향에 관한 연구 - 인간의 '몸'과 '움직임'을 중심으로 -

A Study on Emotional Tendency within Space Design - Focused on human body and movement -

  • 오영근 (호서대학교 디지털/문화예술학부 실내디자인)
  • 발행 : 2004.04.01


This study is to understand the emotional tendency through out the history of architecture and interior design. In this process, a broad range of analysis of the period between Romanticism and Post Modernism will be done to collect historical data and the influence of the social situation. A thorough review and close examination of the 90's architectural trend will reveal the foundation of the concept behind GSD not just as the post-structuralism as a value system of digitalism but also makes easy to understand GSD in space design. In particular, the study will reveal how the ideas of post-structural philosophy has effected the formation of its movement as well as its influence to become the theoretical nutrition for digital architecture. The result of the study will be used as the valuable reference to define 'Emotional Design'(So call 'Gam-Sung Design = GSD) and become the foundation for further investigation on GSD space design in the near future.



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