한우 난소 내 Angiotensin II의 분포와 이의 첨가가 체외성숙 및 수정에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구

Localization of Angiotensin II in Korean Bovine Follicles and Its Effects on IVM/IVF of Oocytes

  • Quen, J. H. (College of Veterinary Medicine, Chungnam National University) ;
  • M. H. Lee (National Veterinary Research and Quarantine Service) ;
  • S. K. Kim (College of Veterinary Medicine, Chungnam National University)
  • 발행 : 2004.03.01


1. The concentrations of Ang. II were 7.20.91 ${\times}$ $10^3$ , 3.80.34 ${\times}$ $10^3$, 3.50.30 ${\times}$ $10^3$, 2.80.22 ${\times}$ $10^3$ pg/ml in bovine follicular fluids from 1∼3 mm, 3∼5 mm, 5∼7 mm and 8∼10 m follicles, respectively. The concentrations of Ang. II decreased in follicular fluids from large follicles. 2. When oocytes were cultured in media containing various concentrations of Ang. II, a higher proportion of oocytes developed to MII stage in medium with 100 ng/ml (79.5%) Ang II compare to that without Ang. II (58.8%). When oocytes from different sizes of follicles were separately cultured in media containing 100 ng/ml Ang. II, maturation rates were higher in oocytes from small and medium follicles those from controls. 3. GSH content in oocytes cultured for 24 hrs in TCM-199 medium containing 10 and 100 ng/ml of Ang. II was also higher than that of oocytes cultured in medium containing 0 or 10 ng/ml Ang. II. When oocytes were cultured in media containing 0, 10, 100, 1,000 ng/ml of Ang. II, the concentrations of GSH were 5.1M, 5.5M, 7.2M, 8.7M, respectively. 4. When oocytes were cultured in media containing various concentrations of 10, 100, 1,000 ng/ml Ang. II, in vitro maturation and developmental rates were 84.0%, 90.0%, 78.0% and 28.0%, 36.0%, 20.0%, respectively. When oocytes were cultured with an addition of Ang. II in media, in vitro maturation rates higher than that of their controls (76.0%).



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