A Case Study on Quality Improvement of the Food Services for Patients - Focused on Satisfaction Offered Menu and Differentiated Service -

환자 급식서비스의 질 향상 사례 연구 - 메뉴 만족도와 차별화 중심으로 -

  • 이승림 (포천중문의과대학교 차병원 영양실) ;
  • 장유경 (한양대학교 식품영양학과)
  • Published : 2004.04.01


The objective of this study is to investigate how patients satisfaction are affected by satisfaction with the patient menu and differentiated service resulting from QI activities and to evaluate the efficiency of QI activities. In order to improve satisfaction with menus through QI activities, this study strengthened meal round, examined the quantity of food waste produced by patients, diversified one-dish menus and used seasonal food as much as possible to reflect patients ′tastes to the maximum. With regard to cooking, additionally, it strengthened sampling and standardized recipes to maintain the constancy of taste and cooking/seasoning. From July 2003, dining time was changed from 08 : 00 to 07 : 30 for breakfast and from 17 : 30 to 18 : 00 for dinner. Statistical data analyses were completed using the SPSS 11.0 program. The results can be summarized as follows: The goal of QI was to improve food service by raising the score of "Satisfaction with Offered Menus" from 3.49 before QI to 3.55 after QI and differentiating nutrition service at the VIP ward. The score of "Satisfaction with offered menus" after QI was 3.56, and services related to the VIP ward were 7 dishes per meal, meal round once per day and the use of a napkin for a spoon in setting the table. In addition a variety of dishes were used in order to heighten the visual effect. Among the 10 items included on the patient satisfaction questionnaire, 8 items showed higher scores before QI. "Taste of meals" (p < 0.05), "Satisfaction with offered menus" (p < 0.05), "Kindness of meal serving assistants" (p < 0.05) and "Cleanliness of clothes & features" (p <0.05) of VIP ward were significantly higher than those of a general ward.



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