$\beta-Carotene,\;\alpha$-Tocopherol Concentrations in Maternal-Umbilical Cord Plasma and Their Relationships to Pregnancy Outcome

임신 말 모체와 제대혈의 Retinol, $\beta-Carotene,\;\alpha$-Tocopherol의 농도 및 임신결과와의 상관성

  • 이금주 (성신여자대학교 식품영양학과) ;
  • 이민숙 (성신여자대학교 식품영양학과) ;
  • 안홍석 (성신여자대학교 식품영양학과)
  • Published : 2004.04.01


The purpose of this study was to evaluate the intake of antioxidant vitamins and plasma concentrations of those in 60 maternal-infant pairs (30 in normal term delivery group, NT; 30 in preform delivery group, PT). We also investigated the relationship between vitamin levels of maternal-umbilical cord plasma and pregnancy outcome. Mean energy intakes of NT and PT pregnant women were 93.2% and 85.4%, and their protein intakes were 113.3% and 110.9% of the recommended dietary allowance (RDA), respectively. While vitamin A intakes were only 51.2% and 39.6% of the RDA in NT and PT pregnant women. The vitamin E intake was about 50% of the RDA (NT 6.27 mg, PT 7.78 mg). The levels of retinol in maternal plasma of NT and PT were $1.51\mumol/\ell\;and\;1.43\mumol/\ell$, respectively. The retinol levels in umbilical cord plasma in NT and PT were $0.72\mumol/\ell\;and\;0.61\mumol/\ell$, respectively. The level of $\beta-carotene$in maternal plasma of NT was 0.49 $\mu$mol/$\ell$, significantly (p < 0.01) higher than that of PT ($0.31\mumol/\ell$).The $\beta-carotene$ of umbilical cord plasma of NT and PT were $0.702\mumol/\ell\;and\;0.01\mumol/\ell$, respectively. The plasma $\alpha$-tocopherol of maternal of NT and PT were $0.72\mumol/\ell\;and\;0.01\mumol/\ell\;29.51 /mumol/\ell\; and 27.17\mumol/\ell,\;respectively.\; The $\alpha$-tocopherol of umbilical cord plasma of NT and PT were $4.16\mumol/\ell\;and\;3.80\mumol/\ell$, respectively. The antioxidant vitamin levels (retinol, $\beta-carotene,\;and\;\alpha$-tocopherol) in maternal plasma were significantly higher (p<0.0001) than those in umbilical cord plasma. However, there was no correlation between the vitamin levels in maternal plasma and those in umbilical cord plasma. The maternal plasma $\beta$-carotene level showed a positive correlation to gestational age. Also Apgar score at 1 min produced a positive correlation to maternal plasma $\beta$-carotene level.



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