Dietary Behaviors, Food Preferences and Its Relationships with Personality Traits in Sixth Grader′s of Elementary School

초등학교 6학년 아동의 식사행동 및 식품기호와 성격특성

  • Published : 2004.04.01


Although many studies have focused on dietary habits and behaviors among children, few have looked at individual dietary behaviors and food preferences and their relationships with personality traits. This study examined the relationships between children's dietary behaviors, food preferences and personality traits using a random sample of 236 sixth graders in Chuncheon. Results showed a high prevalence of undesirable dietary behaviors among children: 42.8% of the children had skipped breakfast at least twice a week, 53% had overeaten, 45.8% had eaten irregularly, and 66.5% had eaten an unbalanced meal. These undesirable dietary behaviors were negatively associated with such personality traits as sociability, responsibility, emotional stability, activity, and superiority. When asked about food preference, fruits were most popular while vegetables were least desirable. Total food preference scores were positively correlated with emotional stability (r=.204), activeness (r=.247), sociability (r=.156), responsibility (r=.249), and superiority (r=.133). Preference for meats had negative correlations with responsibility (r=-.133), sociability (r=-.146), and superiority (r=-.132), while preference for vegetables was positively correlated with these personality traits (r=.292, .244, and .230, respectively). In conclusion, the more desirable dietary behaviors and the higher total food preference scores, the more positive the child's personality traits. In addition, preference for vegetables was associated with positive personality traits. The findings suggest the need for continuous attention and guidance on desirable dietary habits for school children both at home and at school.



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