- IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory v.IT-23 Onquantizers for DPCM coding of picture signal A.Netravali
- Bell Syst. Tech. J. v.27 A mathematical theory of communication C.E.Shannon https://doi.org/10.1002/j.1538-7305.1948.tb01338.x
- IEEE Trans. Commun. v.com-27 Combined Source-Channel Coding of Images J.W.Modestino;D.G.Daut
- IEEE Trans. Commun. v.com-29 Combined Source-Channel Coding of Images Using the Block Cosine Transform J.W.Modestino;D.G.Daut;A.L.Vickers
- IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory v.33 Optimal Quantizer Design for Noisy Channels : An Approach to Combined Source-Channel Coding N.Farvardin;V.Vaishampayan https://doi.org/10.1109/TIT.1987.1057373
- IEEE Trans. Circ. Syst. Video Technol. v.8 Adaptive Quantization and Fast Error-Resilient Entropy Coding for Image Transmission R.Chandramouli;N.Ranganathan;S.J.Ramadoss https://doi.org/10.1109/76.709408
- JPEG Still Image Data Comression Standard W.B.Pennebaker;J.L.Mitchell
- ISO/IEC FDIS15444-1 Information Technology - JPEG 2000 Image Coding System - part 1 ISO/IEC
- ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 29/WG1 WG1 N1878 JPEG 2000 Verification Model 8.5 ISO/IEC
- IBM J. Res. Develop. v.28 An Introduction to Arithmetic Coding G.Langdon, Jun https://doi.org/10.1147/rd.282.0135
- IEEE Trans. Commun. v.40 The ERPC : An efficient error-resilient technique for encoding positional information on sparse data N.T.Cheng;N.G.Kingsbury https://doi.org/10.1109/26.126715
- IEEE Trans. IP. v.5 no.4 The EREC:An Error-Resilient Technique for Coding Variable-Length Blocks of Data D.W.Redmill;N.G.Kingsbury
- 한국토신학회 논문지 v.25 no.12B EREC 기반 비트열을 위한 Source-Channel 결합 최적 양자화기 설계 및 이를 통한 안정적 영상 통신에 관한 연구 최윤식;김용구;송진규
- IEEE Trans. IP v.1 Image coding using wavelet transform M.Antonini;M.Barlaud;P.Mathieu;I.Daubechis
- IEEE Trans. IP v.3 Multirate 3-D subband coding of Video D.Taubman;A.Zakhor
- IEEE Trans. IP. v.9 no.7 High Performance Scalable Image Compression with EBCOT D.Taubman
- IEEE Trans. IP. v.8 no.7 An Embedded Still Image Coder with Rate-Distortion Optimization J.Li;Shawmin
- Proc. Data Compression Conf. 1998 A low-complexity modeling approach for embedded coding of wavelet coefficients E.Ordentlich;M.Weinberger;G.Seroussi;J.A.Storer(ed.);M.Cohn(ed.)
- IEEE Trans. Signal Procesing v.41 Embedded Image Coding Using Zerotress of Wavelet Coefficients J.M.Shapiro https://doi.org/10.1109/78.258085
- IEEE Trans. CSVT v.6 A new, fast and efficient image codec based on set partitioning in hierarchial trees A.Said;W.Pearlman
- IEEE Trans. Cons. Electronics v.46 The JPEG2000 still image coding system:An overview T.Ebrahimi
- IS&T/SPIE Conf. on visual comm. San jose v.3653 Tools for Robust Image and Video Coding in JPEG2000 and MPEG4 Standards J.Ling;R.Talluri
- IEEE journ. comm. v.18 Error resilient oding in JPEG-2000 and MPGE4 I.Mocagatta;S.Soudagar;J.Liang;H.Chen