국내 무대의상과 수입 무대의상에 대한 만족도 비교 연구

A Comparative Study on the Degree of Satisfaction of Domestic & Imported Theatre Costumes

  • 발행 : 2004.04.01


The purpose of this study was to analyzed factors that influenced the degree of satisfaction difference of domestic and imported theatre costumes. One hundred and fifty theatrical artists were surveyed by questionnaires, and response from 128 was statistically analyzed. The data was analyzed using frequency, and paired t-test with SPSSWIN 10.0. The results were as follows. 1. The degree of satisfaction between domestic and imported theatrical costumes was different significantly. 2. The degree of satisfaction of domestic theatrical costumes was tow in the areas of design, color, fabric, and suitability with a historical background, compared with imported costumes. A major cause of the low degree of satisfaction was the lack of funds and professional theatrical costume designers. 3. The degree of satisfaction of imported theatrical costumes was low in the cost, size, and alteration and mending facilities, compared with the domestic costumes. The problems of size was caused by the shape difference between Koreans and a foreigners 4. further research should be conducted into the theatre costumes suitable for the domestic theatrical artists's size, and body shape.



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