3세 및 5세 유아의 또래 갈등 상황에 따른 정서표현 행동

Emotional Behavior in Preschoolers’ Peer Conflic: The Role of Peer Conflict Situation and Age

  • 김지현 (서울대학교 아동가족학과) ;
  • 이순형 (서울대학교 아동가족학과)
  • 발행 : 2004.04.01


The purpose of the current study was to investigate peer conflict situations and age differences in preschoolers' emotional behavior of happiness, sadness, and anger. Participants were twenty-two 3-year-olds and twenty 5-year-olds, and each pair of the same age interacted in two standardized conflict situations: object possession conflict and behavioural/interpersonal conflict. Participants' emotional behaviors of happiness, sadness, and anger were obsewationally coded through facial expression, verbal intonation, gesture, and physical contact. Preschoolers expressed more sadness and anger emotional behavior in object possession conflict than in behavioural/interpersonal conflict. In object possession conflict, 3-year-olds expressed more anger emotional behavior than 5-year-olds did. In behavioural/interpersonal conflict,5-year-olds expressed more happiness emotional behavior than 3-year-olds did.



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