고객관계관리(CRM)을 위한 VOC분석 시스템 구축

Establishment of VOC analysis system for efficient CRM

  • 주종문 (경남대학교 산업공학과) ;
  • 황승국 (경남대학교 테크노경영학부)
  • 발행 : 2004.03.01


The Internet has produced a great variety of VOC data. However, they are hardly helpful for CRM because they are not integrated with VOC data of the related businesses yet. This paper has set up a system for the said VOC data to actually become helpful for CRM The system has two aspects. From the aspect of products, the customers' needs for products will be analyzed to produce what they actually want. From the aspect of customers, on the other hand, decent relationships with them shall be maintained constantly by thoroughly analyzing all the related data. The analyses on both of these aspects have the advantage of maximizing customer satisfaction by active CRM that makes us recognize what customers prefer, or complain of in advance and then provide them with tailor-made service.



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