The purpose of this paper is to discover the Image and Visual Preference of the Environmental Sculpture in Urban Streetscape. For this, the analysis was preformed by the data obtained from questionnaires and from the photos of the environmental sculptures scene. The landscape image was analyzed by the factor analysis algorithm. The level of visual preference was measured by a slide simulation test, and this data was analyzed by multiple regression. The results of this study can be summarized as follows: The visual preference of the environmental sculpture has been evaluated to average 4.03 on a scale of 7 Landscape slides No. 11 and No.5 were ranked more highly for visual preference. Factors formulating the landscape image were found to be 'beauty', 'orderliness', 'emotion', and 'formation'. By using the control method for the number of factors, T.V., were obtained as 63.0%. For all experimental landscape slides, the factor of orderliness was found to be the main factor determining the visual preference. The 4 factors for visual preference were analyzed by regression as follows: Visual Preference = 3.996 + 0.341(FS1) + 0.595(FS2) + 0.222(FS3) + 0.011(FS4), R-Square = 0.520.