도시휴양림의 포지셔닝 검토를 통한 적정시설기준 탐색

A Study on the Facility Regulations of Urban Recreation Forest by the Positioning Concept

  • 김태진 (한경대학교 이공대학 조경공학과) ;
  • 홍윤순 (한경대학교 이공대학 조경공학) ;
  • 안승홍 (서울대학교 대학원 협동과정)
  • 발행 : 2004.04.01


This study is focused on finding out the character of urban recreation forest and investigating facilities regulations of forest resources around urban areas to meet future recreation needs. The method of this study is to compare urban recreation forests with similar facilities like urban parks and natural recreation forests. By this way, this study not only identifies the characteristics of urban recreation forest as emerging recreational facility, but also outputs regulations that can be adapted to real environment. Urban recreation forest is defined as follows: It has forest with good natural landscape and easy access. It makes emotion rich and its function is focused on outdoor recreation nature education, and experiences for family group mainly within a day or on weekends. This study suggests that the minimal area of urban recreation forest should be over 100,000$m^2$, with a facility ratio less than 20%. Building coverage should be less than 7% when the urban recreation forest is under 300,000$m^2$, less than 5% when 300,000∼500,000$m^2$, and less than 3% when over 500,000$m^2$ The limits of building height is 3 stories, or under 12m. This study finds out the character, the needs of urban recreation and the criterion for project feasibility. significance of the result is supplying theoretical basement on related regulation. Based on the results, further study will establish landscape management method and legislation & application in a detailed examination.



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