프로펠러 날개의 동적 구조해석 시스템 개발

A Dynamic Structural Analysis System for Propeller Blades

  • 발행 : 2004.04.01


Propeller blades have complex airfoil section type geometry and the thickness is continuously varied to both its length and cord-wise direction. in the present research, the finite element analysis program PROSTEC (Propeller Stress Evaluation Code) is developed to calculate the structural responses of propeller blades in irregular ship wake field. To represent the curved and skewed geometry of propeller blades accurately, 20-node curved solid element using the quadratic shape function is adopted. Input data for the analysis including the geometry and pressure distribution of propeller blades can be generated automatically from the propeller design program. And to visualize the results of analysis on windows system conveniently, the post processor PROSTEC-POST is developed.



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