Implementation of an Adaptive Genetic Algorithm Processor for Evolvable Hardware

진화 시스템을 위한 유전자 알고리즘 프로세서의 구현

  • Published : 2004.04.01


Genetic Algorithm(GA), that is shown stable performance to find an optimal solution, has been used as a method of solving large-scaled optimization problems with complex constraints in various applications. Since it takes so much time to execute a long computation process for iterative evolution and adaptation. In this paper, a hardware-based adaptive GA was proposed to reduce the serious computation time of the evolutionary process and to improve the accuracy of convergence to optimal solution. The proposed GA, based on steady-state model among continuos generation model, performs an adaptive mutation process with consideration of the evolution flow and the population diversity. The drawback of the GA, premature convergence, was solved by the proposed adaptation. The Performance improvement of convergence accuracy for some kinds of problem and condition reached to 5-100% with equivalent convergence speed to high-speed algorithm. The proposed adaptive GAP(Genetic Algorithm Processor) was implemented on FPGA device Xilinx XCV2000E of EHW board for face recognition.



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