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- 地域と景觀;지역과 경관 中村和郞(外);정암(외)(역)
- Teaching Secondary Students Through Their Individual Learing Styles : Pratical Approaches for Grades Dunn,R.;Dunn,K.
- Price Systems Learning Style Inventory Dunn,R.;Dunn,K.;Price,G.E.
- Learning Style Inventory(LSI) : An Inventory for Identification of How Individual in Grades 3 through 12 Prefer to Learn Dunn,R.;Dunn,K.;Price,G.E.
- Explanation and Understanding;설명과 이해 Georg Henrik von Wright;배철영(역)
- Journal of Geography v.99 Kolb's experiential learning theory and its application geography in higher education Healey,M.;Jenkins,A. https://doi.org/10.1080/00221340008978967
- Geography Discipline Network Curriculum Design in Geography Jenkins,A.
- Doctoral Dissertation, University of Georgia Didactic Transposition of Mathematical Knowlege in Textboook Kang,W.
- Learning Style Theory and Practice Keefe,J.
- Geography in Education Viewpoint on Teaching and Learning Kent,A.;Lambert,D.;Naish,M.;Slater,F.
- Journal of Korean Agricultural Education v.27 no.4 Learning styles of students in college of education and its relationship to academic achievement Kim,Soo-Wook;Park,Sung-Youl;Ku,Byung-Doo
- Learning Style Inventory Kolb,D.A.
- Experiential Learning-Experience as The Source of Learning and Development Kolb,D.A.
- Learning Style Inventory LSI-Ⅱ Kolb,D.A.
- Learning Style Inventory LSI-Ⅱ Kolb,D.A.
- Proceedings of the Association of Management and the International Association of Management v.15 no.1 Using Kolb's Leaning Style Inventory(LSI-1985) in the classroom Loo,R.
- British Journal of Educational Psychology v.69 Confirmatory factor analyses of Kolb's Learning Style Inventory(LSI-1985) Loo,R. https://doi.org/10.1348/000709999157680
- Cognitive development, its cultural and social foundation;인지발달교육-문화·사회적 기초를 중심으로 - Luria,A.R.;박경자;김성찬(역)
- Educational Leadership v.48 no.2 Using the 4MAT System to Bring Learning Styles to School McCarthy,B.
- Journal of Korean Agricultural Education v.29 no.1 An assessment of high school students learning style and its influence on academic Achievement Park,Sung-Youl;Ku,Byung-Doo;Lee,Pung-Kil
- Journal of Geography v.LXⅢ The Four Traditions of Geography Pattison,W.D.
- Genetic Epistemology Piaget,J.
- British Journal of Educational Psychology v.66 Kolb's Learning Style Inventory,1985, Review and further study of validity and reliability Willcoxson,L.;Prosser,M.
- Work, Family and the Career: New Frontiers in Theory and Research Beyond specialization : the quest for integration in midcareer Wolfe,D.;Kolb,D.;Brooklyn,D.(ed.)