학습스타일과 지리교과 내용특성

A Study on Learning Style and Geography Subject Matter

  • 장의선 (한국교원대학교 지리교육과)
  • 발행 : 2004.03.01


The critical point in this research is that the research on the phenomenon "teaching geography" should include how various elements consisting of the phenomenon are interrelated with each other in diverse angles, not deal with only teaching methods. This research focused on the relationships of the three components of teaching geography : contents of geography subject matter; learner; and scaffolding. Firstly, the characteristics of contents of geography subject matter were analyzed. Geographical knowledge was classified into four categories based on the way of perception. And then the selected geographic contents for this study were done didactic transposition into materials for geography education. These can be presented in a specific classification system from a context of geography education. Secondly, four categories of learning styles were divided by the way learners perceive and process information : Diverger; Assimilator; Converger; Accommodator. Each was connected with learner′s preferred contents of geography subject matter. The correlation between divergers and typical CulturalㆍHistorical Geography and Environmental Geography was high. So was between assimilators and typical Physical Geography and UrbanㆍEconomic Geography. Learners of Converger style tend to prefer GIS and Cartography. Finally, Regional Development and Regional Environmental Problems were highly correlated with accommodators.



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