- 대한지리학회지 v.35 no.2 쌍천 하성단구의 토양 특성 강영복;박종원
- 동국대학교 대학원 박사학위논문 남한강 중·상류 분지의 지형 연구-퇴적물 분석을 중심으로- 박희두
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- 경북대학교 대학원 박사학위논문 한반도 중·남부 지역의 감입곡류 지형발달 송언근
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- 대한지리학회지 v.35 no.2 홍천강 중·하류의 하안단구 지형 발달 윤순옥;이광률
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- 지질학회지 v.39 no.4 홍천강 하안단구의 형성시기별 역 풍화 특성 이광률;윤순옥
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- 동국대학교 대학원 박사학위논문 남한간의 하안단구에 관한 연구 임창주
- Geomorphology v.22 River response to Quaternary subsidence due to evaporite solution(Gallego River, Ebro Basin, Spain) Benito,G.;Perez-Gonzalez,A.;Gutierrez,F.;M.Machado.J.
- Soil and Geomorphology Birkeland.P.W.
- Sedimentology and Stratigraphy Boggs,Jr.S.
- Geomorphology v.40 Late Devensian and Holocene landscape change in the uplands of the Isle of Man Chiverrell,R.C.;Thomas,G.S.P.;Harvey,A.M.
- Geomorphology v.17 Quaternary soil chronosequences on terraces of the Susquehanna River,Pennsylvania Engel,S.A.;Gardner,T.W.;Ciolkosz,E.J.
- Earth Surface Processes and Landforms v.25 Holocene development of the River Lippe valley, Germany: a case study of anthropogenic influence Herget,J.<293::AID-ESP63>3.0.CO;2-F
- Tectomophysics v.305 Geomorphic and sedimentary response of rivers to tectonic deformation: a brief review and critique of a tool for recognizing subtle epeirogenic deformation in modern and ancient settings Holbrook,J.;Schumm,S.A.
- Geomorphology v.38 Middle-late Holocene river terraces in the Erhjen River Basin, southwestern Taiwan-implications of river response to climate change and active tectonic uplife Hsieh,M.;Knuepfer,P.L.K.
- Weathering trends in terrace deposits up to 350,000 years old in northeast Southland,New Zealand v.26 no.1;2 McIntosh,P.D.;Whitton,J.S.
- Science report, Institute of geoscience, University of Tsukuba v.21 Rate of rock poperty changes with weathering : Andesite gravel in fluvial terrace deposits in Nasuno-ga-hara, Japan Oguchi,C.T.
- Earth Surface Processes and Landforms v.26 Formation of weathering rinds on andesite Oguchi,C.T.
- Geomorphology v.32 Stream incision and terrace development in Frijoles Canyon, Bandelier National Monument, New Mexico, and the influence of lithology and climate Reneau,S.L.
- Earth Surface Processes and Landforms v.22 High bedrock incision rates in the Atenguillo River valley, Jalisco, Western Mexico Righter,K.<337::AID-ESP684>3.0.CO;2-1
- Process Geomorphology Ritter,D.F.;Kochel,R.C.;Miller,J.R.
- Earth Surface Processes and Landforms v.22 Cosmogenic isotope analyses applied to river longitudinal profile evolution: Problems and interpretations Seidl,M.A.;Finkel,R.C.;Caffee,M.W.;Hudson,G.B.;Dietrich,W.E.<195::AID-ESP748>3.0.CO;2-0
- U.S. Geol. Surv. Open-File Report Instructions for the soil development index template-Lotus 1-2-3 Taylor,E.M.
- Geoderma v.76 Rate of soil development of the chronosequence in the Ljubljana Basin Vidic,N.J.;Lobnik,F.
- Rock Weathering and Landform Evolution Pedogenic weathering and relative-age dating of quatermary alluvial sediments in the pindus Mountains of Northwest Greece Woodward,J.C.;Macklin,M.G.;Lewin,J.;Robinson,D.A.(ed.);Williams,R.B.G.(ed.)
- Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, Netherland v.23 Geomorphological problems of the middle reaches of the Tsangpo River, TIbet Zhang,D.D.<889::AID-ESP907>3.0.CO;2-E