- 대한지리학회지 v.32 no.2 한국의 열감분포에 관한 생리 기후학적 연구-신유효온도를 중심으로- 강철성
- 기상연구소 논문 Apparent Temperature에 의한 서울 지방의 여름철 생활 쾌적도 평가 윤진일;봉종헌
- 지리학연구 v.26 한반도 주변의 기압 배치형에 의한 한국의 자연 계절 구분 이승호
- 한국기상학회지 v.37 no.4 울릉도의 적설량 변화 이승호;최병철
- 한국기상학회지 v.18 쾌적 지수에 의한 한국의 기후 구분에 관한 연구 이종법;전상호
- 대한지리학회지 v.37 no.4 남한의 제감 무더위의 기후학 최광용;최종남;김종욱;손석우
- International Journal of Biometeorlogy v.46 Effective of extremely hot days on people older than 65 years in Seville(Spain) from 1986 to 1997 Diaz,J.;Garcia,R.;Velazquez ds Castro, F.;Hemandez,E.;Lopez,C.;Otero,A.
- Proc. WMO/HMO/UNEP Symposium on Climate and Human Health,Leningrad 1986, v.I no.WCPA - No. 1 A human biometeorology classification of climate for large and local scales Hentschel,L.S.
- Bull. Am. Meteorol. Soc. v.67 no.7 An evaluation of summer discomfort in the United States using a relative climatological index Kalkstein,L.S.;Valimont,K.M.<0842:AEOSDI>2.0.CO;2
- Bull. Am. Meteorol. Soc. v.68 no.12 an evaluation of winter weather weverity in the United States using the wather stress index Kalkstein,L.S.;Valimont,K.M.<1535:AEOWWS>2.0.CO;2
- Bull. Am. Meteorol. Soc. v.77 no.7 The Philadephia Hot Weather-Health Watch/Warning System: development and application, Summer Kallstein,L.S.;Jamoson,P.F.;Greene,J.S.;Libby J.;Robinson,L.<1519:TPHWHW>2.0.CO;2
- Meterological Applications v.7 Application of a weather stress index for alerting the public to stressful weather in Hong Kong Li,P.W.;Chan,S.T.
- International Journal of Biometeorology v.41 no.1 Heat stress in Greece Matzarakis,A.;Mayer,H.
- International Society of Biometeorology The effect of climate on the use of open spaces in the urban enviroment Nkiolopoulou,M.
- Proc. Amer. Phill. Soc. v.89 Measurements of dry atmospheric coolong in subfreezing temperatures Siple,P.A.;Passel,C.F.
- International Journal of Biometeorology v.42 no.1 A comparative analysis of heat waves and associated mortality in St. Louis Missouri-1980 and 1995 Smoyer,K.E.
- Journal of applied meteorology v.10 Index of windchill of clothed persons Steadman,R.G.<0674:IOWOCP>2.0.CO;2
- Journal of applied meterology v.23 A universal scale of apparent temperature Steadman,R.G.<1674:AUSOAT>2.0.CO;2
- Climate Change and Human Health WMO/HMO/UNEP
- National Weather Service
- National Weather Service