젊은 기혼여성의 출산 후 취업연속성 결정요인

Factors That Decide the Job Continuity of Young Mothers

  • 발행 : 2004.03.01


This study analyzes the critical factors that decide the job continuity of married women after one of their life events, childbirth. It is based on the employment data from KLIPS(Korea Labor and Income Panel Study). Vols. 1-4, having observed 128 young mothers who gave birth to children after 1997. The analysis showed that women's employment after their maternity leave depend on whether new mother return to their previous job or not. The Following results are obtained: First, women's age, education, availability of caretakers for their children, and family income have a positive effect on the women's return to their pre-leave employers after childbirth. Second, professional or office work and the frequency of job transition before childbirth have a positive effect on women's employment in new jobs after childbirth. Third, women's age, availability of caretakers of their children, and professional or office work are critical factors that have a positive effect on women's job continuity after childbirth, whereas the frequency of job transitions has a negative effect on employment for women.



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