다니엘 리베스킨트의 건축적 사고와 표현 특성에 관한 연구

A Study on Daniel Libeskind's architectural contemplation and expressive characteristic

  • 발행 : 2004.02.01


Architect Daniel Libeskind made peculiar works with ‘Jewish Museum’ in Berlin as a momentum in 1989. The concern was concentrated after Libeskind was selected ultimately to the designer of ‘Design for the World Trade Center site’ in February 2003. Especially his works which have been recently accomplished are not the deconstructivism were recognized as unreal drawings and simple studies but they are professing his own peculiar architectural thought. However meanwhile researches about Libeskind have been processed in an architect viewpoint of a deconstructivism tendency, lack of researches to be more various point of view. This study fundamentally is sharing the source with Libeskind's basic idea, as a deconstructivism architect, but not to understand essential concept of decorstructivism which has the philosophy grasps of essence of an object, reconstrues contradiction that the human is simple to prescribe by the language and tries to express in new architectural formative volition. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to grasp of Libeskind's own architectural thought of the essence, consider background becomes the foundation of the architectural thought and peculiarity of the architectural representation.



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