컴퓨터 자기효능의 조절변수로서의 필요성의 인식에 관한 연구

"Needs to Learn" as a Moderator for Computer Self-Efficacy

  • 발행 : 2004.03.01


While 'Computer self-efficacy' is widely studied In the social science field with regard to the training effectiveness, little research has focused on clarifying the role of 'needs' in relation to self-efficacy and outcome expectations. in this regard, this study investigated the effects of 'needs to learn computer shills,' extending the social cognitive theory. A survey instrument was adopted and modified from previous studies to measure behavioral modeling, prior experience, Perceived computer self-efficacy, Perceived needs to learn computer skills and outcome expectations. A total of 209 practitioners were surveyed in this study. As a result, most part of the social cognitive theory was again Proven to be effective, and the 'needs to learn computer skills' was proven to be significant as a moderating variable between computer self-efficacy and outcome expectations. Implications of the research were discussed, and further studies were suggested at the end.
