기업간 정보시스템의 도입에 미치는 영향요인

The Factors Towards the Adoption of Interorganizational Systems

  • 손달호 (계명대학교 경영정보학과)
  • 발행 : 2004.03.01


There seems to be a renewed interest in Interorganizational relationship to search for strategic information partnerships. It is particularly noteworthy that no study has yet reported conflgurations at the level of interorganizational relationships nor compared such configurations across different types of ISO(interorganizational system). This paper seeks to uncover dominant configurations of interorganizational relationships across the various types of ISO. We Integrate relevant theoretical concepts from transaction cost economics, organization theory and political economy to develop a conceptual model of interorganizational relationships. We empirically uncover a set of hypothesis toward the patterns of interorganizetional relationships. Moreover the implications for further research pertaining to the logic and development of configurations were proposed.



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