Bone mineral density (BMD) focus one's attention on prevention effects of osteoporosis. This study was conducted to investigate BMD (lumbar spin : L2- L4, femur neck : m, femur trochanter TR, femur ward's triangle : WT, wrist) and look into the factors that affect BMD by menopause in 89 nonsmoking healthy Korean women (40-60 yr). Anthropometric index and body composition, nutrient intakes, osteocalcin and total protein, albumin, total cholesterol, triacylglycerol and calcium in serum were determined. Body fat mass, diastolic blood pressure and serum cholesterol concentration of postmenopausal women were significantly higher than those of premenopausal women. FN, TR, WT, wrist BMD of postmenopausal women were not different from those of premenopausal women. However L2- L4 BMD of postmenopausal women was lower than that of premenopausal women. Significant positive correlations were found between L2-L4, FN, TR, WT and weight (r = 0.44, r = 0.64, r = 0.58, r = 0.57) and significant positive correlations were found between FN, TR, WT and BMI (r =: 0.54, r = 0.41, r = 0.54) of premenopausal women. Whereas significant positive correlation was only found between TR BMD and weight. BMI (r = 0.38, r = 0.29) of postmenopausal women. FN BMD and WC (waist circumstance) of premenopausal women were found significant positive correlation (r = 0.35) whereas L2-L4 BMD and WC of postmenopausal women was found significant negative correlation (r = -0.31) . In premenopausal women. differences of bone BMD were not shown by exercise and alcohol drinking, but in postmenopausal women, significant difference of FN BMD was shown by exercise and alcohol drinking. These results suggested that by menopause, effects of weight, BMI, WC, exercise and alcohol drinking on bone BMD were different. Therefore, by menopause, we should consider the different ways to increase the bone BMD according to different factors.