환경친화적인 가전소비재에 대한 소비자의 수요도 연구

A Study on Consumers' Demand for Environmentally Sustainable Home Electrical Goods

  • 이승신 (건국대학교 소비자·주거학과)
  • 발행 : 2004.02.01


Not only consumers but also corporations need to use and develop sustainable consumption for environmental preservation these days. This research studied the level of environmental consciousness, knowledge of environmental problems and consumption behavior for environmentally sustainable home electrical goods. This study was conducted by survey method and the sample was 300 housewives aged 20-50 living in Seoul and urban areas in 2003. The consciousness for the environment and seriousness of theenvironmental problems were very high. Nevertheless, the level of consumption behavior for environmentally sustainable goods was lower than the consciousness. Of the total sample, 33% were aware of the ultrasonic-waves-sink, 73% of the non-detergent-wash machine, 50% of the vacuum-without-trash envelope, and only 17% of the micro-oven-zero air power. Over 50% of the sample wanted to buy these environmentally sustainable, home electrical goods, especially working housewives.



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