- 윤리학 스피노자;강영계(역)
- From Kant to Hibert: A Source Book in the Foundation of Mathematics, Ⅱ Bewald,W.
- The Mathematical Experience;수학적 경험(하) Davis,P.J.;Hersh,R.;양영오(역);허민(역)
- Wahrheit und Methode;진리와 방법 Ⅰ Gadamer;Hans-Georg;이길후(옮김);이선권(옮김);임호길(옮김);한동원(옮김)
- Mathematische Annalen v.104 Die Grundlegung der elemetaren Zahlentheorie Hilbert
- The Emperor's New Mind: Concerning Computers, Minds, and Law of Physics;황제의 새마음 Penrose,R.;박승수(역)
- Conjectures and Refutations;추측과 논박 Popper,K.;이한구(역)