비교 분자장 분석 (CoMFA) 방법에 따른 1-(5-methyl-3-phenylisoxazolin-5-yl)methoxy-2-chloro-4-fluoro-benzene 유도체들의 Protox 저해 활성에 관한 이해

Understanding the protox inhibition activity of novel 1-(5-methyl-3-phenylisoxazolin-5-yl)methoxy-2-chloro-4-fluorobenzene derivatives using comparative molecular field analysis (CoMFA) methodology

  • 성낙도 (충남대학교 농업생명과학대학 응용생물화학부) ;
  • 송종환 (한국화학연구원 세포화학연구팀) ;
  • 양숙영 (충남대학교 농업생명과학대학 응용생물화학부) ;
  • 박경용 (충남대학교 농업생명과학대학 응용생물화학부)
  • Sung, Nack-Do (Division of Applied Biologiy and Chemistry, College of Agriculture and Life Science, Chungnam National University) ;
  • Song, Jong-Hwan (Cytosine Laboratory, Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology) ;
  • Yang, Sook-Young (Division of Applied Biologiy and Chemistry, College of Agriculture and Life Science, Chungnam National University) ;
  • Park, Kyeng-Yong (Division of Applied Biologiy and Chemistry, College of Agriculture and Life Science, Chungnam National University)
  • 발행 : 2004.09.30


새로운 1-(5-methyl-3-phenylisoxazolin-5-yl)methoxy-2-chloro-4-fluorobenzene 유도체들의 phenyl 고리에 R-치환기와 치환기가 도입된 A=3,4,5,6-tetrahyophthalimino, B=3-chloro-4,5,6,7-tetrahydro-2H-indazolyl 및 C=3,4-dimethylmaleimino 치환체들에 의한 벼(Orysa sativa L.)와 논피 (Echinochloa crus-galli) 뿌리와 줄기 부위의 살초활성에 관한 3차원 구조-활성관계(3D-QSAR)를 Gasteiger-Huckel 전하를 사용하여 비교 분자장 분석(CoMFA) 방법으로 연구하였다. 두 초종의 뿌리와 줄기의 살초 활성에 대한 4개의 CoMFA 모델들은 46개 화합물로 구성된 training set로부터 유도되었으며 각 모델들은 8개 화합물의 각 test set에 의하여 예측성이 평가되었다. Standard field, indicator field 및 H-bond field를 조합한 조건(SIH)에서 유도된 모델들의 통계결과는 cross-validated $r^2_{cv.}$$(q^2=0.635\sim0.924)$과 non cross-validated, $r^2_{ncv}$ $(0.928\sim0.977)$값 그리고 PRESS 값$(0.091\sim0.156)$에 근거하여 매우 양호한 예측성을 나타내었다. 그리고 살초 활성은 분자의 입체장$(74.3\sim87.4%)$, 정전기장$(10.10\sim18.5%)$ 및 소수성장$(1.10\sim8.30%)$과 높은 상관성을 보였으며 입체장이 살초 활성에 가장 중요한 요소이었다. 이같은 CoMFA 분석 결과로부터, 이종 간 선택적이며 고 활성의 protox 저해제들이 X-치환기의 수식에 의하여 설계될 수 있을 것임을 알았다.

Three dimensional quantitative structure-activity relationships (3D-QSAR) studies for the protox inhibition activities against root and shoot of rice plant (Orysa sativa L.) and barnyardgrass (Echinochloa crus-galli) by a series of new A=3,4,5,6-tetrahydrophthalimino, B=3-chloro-4,5,6,7-tetrahydro-2H-indazolyl and C=3,4-dimethylmaleimino group, and R-group substituted on the phenyl ring in 1-(5-methyl-3-phenylisoxazolin-5-yl)methoxy-2chloro-4-fluorobenzene derivatives were performed using comparative molecular field analyses (CoMFA) methodology with Gasteiger-Huckel charge. Four CoMFA models for the protox inhibition activities against root and shoot of the two plants were generated using 46 molecules as training set and the predictive ability of the each models was evaluated against a test set of 8 molecules. And the statistical results of these models with combination (SIH) of standard field, indicator field and H-bond field showed the best predictability of the protox inhibition activities based on the cross-validated value $r^2_{cv.}$ $(q^2=0.635\sim0.924)$, conventional coefficient $(r^2_{ncv.}=0.928\sim0.977)$ and PRESS value $(0.091\sim0.156)$, respectively. The activities exhibited a strong correlation with steric $(74.3\sim87.4%)$, electrostatic $(10.10\sim18.5%)$ and hydrophobic $(1.10\sim8.30%)$ factors of the molecules. The steric feature of molecule may be an important factor for the activities. We founded that an novel selective and higher protox inhibitors between the two plants may be designed by modification of X-subsitutents for barnyardgrass based upon the results obtained from CoMFA analyses.



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