Economic Analysis of SONET/WDM UPSR and BLSR Ring Networks Using Traffic Grooming

트래픽 그루밍을 이용한 SONET/WDM 단방향, 양방향 링 네트워크의 경제성 분석

  • Kang, Donghan (Information Management Team, Samsung Electro-Mechanics) ;
  • Park, Sungsoo (Department of Industrial Engineering, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology)
  • 강동한 (삼성전기 정보경영팀) ;
  • 박성수 (한국과학기술원 산업공학과)
  • Published : 2004.09.30


We consider the traffic grooming problem for the design of SONET/WDM(Synchronous Optical NETwork/Wavelength Division Multiplexing) ring networks. Given a physical network with ring topology and a set of traffic demands between pairs of nodes, we are to obtain a stack of rings with the objective of minimizing the number of ADMs installed at the nodes. This problem arises when a single ring capacity is not large enough to accommodate all the demands. As a solution method, an efficient algorithm based on the branch-and-price approach has been reported in the literature for the problem in which only unidirecional path switched ring (UPSR) was considered. In this study, we suggest integer programming models and the algorithms based on the same approach as the above one, considering two-fiber bidirectional line switched ring(BLSR/2), and BLSR/4 additionally. Using the results, we compare the number of required ADMs for all types of the ring architecture.



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