배달과 수거가 혼합된 차량경로 결정문제를 위한 유전 알고리듬의 개발

A Genetic Algorithm for Vehicle Routing Problems with Mixed Delivery and Pick-up

  • 정은용 (동해대학교 유통정보학과) ;
  • 박양병 (경희대학교 테크노공학대학 기계.산업시스템공학부)
  • Chung, Eun-Yong (Department of Distribution and Information, Dong Hae University) ;
  • Park, Yang-Byung (Department of Industrial Engineering, College of Advanced Technology, Kyung Hee University)
  • 발행 : 2004.12.31


Most industrial logistic systems have focused on carrying products from manufacturers or distribution centers to customers. In recent years, they are faced with the problem of integrating reverse flows into their transportation systems. In this paper, we address the vehicle routing problems with mixed delivery and pick-up(VRPMDP). Mixed operation of delivery and pick-up during a vehicle tour requires rearrangement of the goods on board. The VRPMDP considers the reshuffling time of goods at customers, hard time windows, and split operation of delivery and pick-up. We construct a mixed integer mathematical model and propose a new genetic algorithm named GAMP for VRPMDP. Computational experiments on various types of test problems are performed to evaluate GAMP against the modified Dethloff's algorithm. The results show that GAMP reduces the total vehicle operation time by 5.9% on average, but takes about six times longer computation time.



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