생물경제학적 어업자원 관리정책에 관한 연구

Bioeconomic Management Policy for Fisheries Resources

  • PYO, Hee-Dong (Faculty of Marine Business and Economics, Pukyong National University) ;
  • KWON, Suk-jae (Korea Ocean Research & Development Institute)
  • 투고 : 2004.04.20
  • 심사 : 2004.06.23
  • 발행 : 2004.07.31


Due to a publicly owned resources, the overexploitation of the fisheries resources can result in externalities in the form of reduced future levels of yield. These problems can be theoretically improved through effective management of the fishery. The paper illustrates maximum sustainable yield(MSY), maximum economic yield(MEY) and F0.1 level of fishing mortality as the concept of optimal yield, and it theoretically shows that MSY is more appropriate for the optimal yield than MEY where prices increase even though MEY achieves the maximization of economic rent in a fishery assuming constant prices. And the paper presents several fisheries management tools and policies such as input controls, output controls and taxes. As the traditional approach to fishery management, input controls involve restrictions on the physical inputs into the production process(e.g. capital, time or technology) and output controls involve limits on the quantity of fish that can be landed. To introduce user cost into the harvest decisions of rent-seeking fishers, taxation, as a bioeconomic management policy of the fisheries, directly addresses the problems associated with the resource being unpriced. As most fisheries management plans, however, have increasing fisher income as an objective, taxes have not been introduced into any fisheries management policies despite their theoretical attraction.



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