Nutritive Value of Urea Treated Wheat Straw Ensiled with or without Corn Steep Liquor for Lactating Nili-ravi Buffaloes

  • Nisa, Mahr-un (Department of Animal Nutrition, University of Agriculture) ;
  • Sarwar, M. (Department of Animal Nutrition, University of Agriculture) ;
  • Khan, M. Ajmal (Department of Animal Nutrition, University of Agriculture)
  • 투고 : 2003.08.07
  • 심사 : 2004.02.12
  • 발행 : 2004.06.01


Influence of different levels of corn steep liquor (CSL) on chemical composition of urea treated wheat straw (UTWS) and its dietary effect on nutrient intake, digestibility, milk yield and its composition were studied. The 5% UTWS was ensiled with 0, 3, 6 and 9% CSL on dry matter (DM) basis. Total nitrogen and neutral detergent fiber (NDF) contents of UTWS ensiled with 0, 3, 6 and 9% CSL increased linearly with the increasing level of CSL. Increase in NDF content was due to increased neutral detergent insoluble nitrogen contents. Four experimental diets were formulated to contain 35% UTWS ensiled without CSL (control), 45 (WS45), 55 (WS55) and 65% (WS65) UTWS ensiled with 9% CSL, respectively. Dry matter, NDF and acid detergent fiber (ADF) intakes by lactating buffaloes fed diets containing varying levels of UTWS ensiled with or without CSL remained similar across all treatments. However, DM, NDF and ADF intakes as a percent of body weight and digestible DM, NDF and ADF intakes were higher in animals fed WS65 diet compared to those fed other diets. Apparent DM, crude protein (CP), NDF and ADF digestibilities were higher in diets containing UTWS ensiled with CSL compared to control. These differences may be attributed to higher rates of degradability of UTWS ensiled with 9% CSL than that ensiled without CSL. The 4% fat corrected milk and CP were statistically higher with WS65 diet compared to other diets. Percent milk fat, solid not fat and total solid remained unchanged across all treatments.



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