자동창고의 저장 및 불출요구의 대기시간에 관한 연구

Expected Waiting Times for Storage and Retrieval Requests in Automated Storage and Retrieval Systems

  • 조면식 (경기대학교 산업대학교) ;
  • Cho, Myeonsig (Department of Industrial Engineering, Kyonggi University) ;
  • Bozer, Yavuz A. (Department of Industrial and Operations Engineering, The University of Michigan)
  • 발행 : 2004.12.31


We present a closed form approximate analytical model to estimate the expected waiting times for the storage and retrieval requests of an automated storage/retrieval (AS/R) system, assuming that the storage/retrieval (S/R) machine idles either at the rack or at the input/output point. The expected waiting times (and the associated mean queue lengths) can play an important role to decide whether the performance of a stable AS/R system is actually acceptable, to determine buffer size (or length) of the input conveyor, and to compute the number of the rack openings which is required to hold the loads which are requested by processing machines but waiting in the rack to be retrieved by the SIR machine. This model can be effectively used in the early design stage of an AS/R system.



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