The Study of the Oriental Medicine Extract on the Hair Growth Effect : I. The Effect of the Mixture Extract of Polygoni multiflori Radix, Angelicae gigantis Radix and Lycii Fructus on the Hair Growth

韓藥抽出物의 發毛效果에 關한 硏究 : 何首烏, 當歸 및 枸杞子 混合物의 發毛效果

Lee Yoon-Gyeong;Kim Jeong-Ki

  • Published : 20040000


Objectives : This study was conducted to develop the oriental medicines which have hair growing effects and evaluate the efficacy of the mixture extract of Polygoni multif1ori Radix, Angelicae gigantis Radix and Lycii Fructus in the rat dorsal hair growth Methods : The oriental medicine extract was administered orally and enzyme(GOT, GPT, ALP and $\gammer-GTP$) contents were measured to see whether or not the extract has hair growth effect and the hepatotoxcity in rats. Results: The results of animal experiment that was investigated to search the effect of the oriental medicine extract in androgenetic alopecia are as fo]]ow : 1. The liver damage with adminstration of oriental medicine extract was investigated. As results, there was no significant differences between control and the rest two, propecia and oriental medicine extract, in serum GOT, GPT, ALP and $\gammer-GTP's$ activities and total cholesterol and total lipid contents. Therefore. this demonstrated that the oriental medicine extract didn't induce the liver damage. 2. Total (T+DHT) contents of serum and skin were measured to know the effects of the oriental medicine extract on the hair growth in rats. Total(T+DHT) content was increased significantly in propecia and the oriental medicine extract in comparison with control group. Moreover, the oriental medicine extract showed higher serum total(T+DHT) content than that of propecia. 3. Serum and Skin DHT contents were examined. Propecia and the oriental medicine extract decreased serum and skin DHT contents significantly compared with control group. The extent that propecia and the oriental medicine extract decrease DHT content was the same and this demonstrate that the oriental medicine extract has the same effect of hair growth as that of propecia. Conclusion: The mixture extract of oriental medicines has hair growth effect by decreasing serum and skin DHT contents and doesn't have any liver damage when it was administered orally.



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