A Parameter-Based Hairstyler

패러미터 기반 머리카락 모델링 기법

  • 최병원 (서울대학교 그래픽스 및 미디어 연구실) ;
  • 고형석 (서울대학교 그래픽스 및 미디어 연구실)
  • Published : 2004.06.01


This paper presents an interactive technique that produces static human hairstyles by generating individual hair strands of the desired shape and color, subject to the presence of gravity and collisions. A variety of human hairstyles can be generated by supplying a few parameters to the modeling core, which consists of the wisp generator and hair deformation solver. Wisps are generated employing statistical approaches. As for hair deformation, a method that is not physically-based is proposed to efficiently account for the effects of gravity and collisions. The technique produces various hairstyles much faster than previously proposed methods, and the styles generated by this technique are remarkably realistic.
