피부미용과 관련된 한방미용경락의 이론적 배정 연구

A Study on Theoretical Background Relationship of Blood Vessel Pressure Massage and Skin and Management Method of Blood Vessel Pressure Massage for Skin Care

  • 최정미 (건양대학교 패션뷰티디자인학부) ;
  • 나영순 (건양대학교 패션뷰티디자인학부)
  • Choi, Jong-Mi (Dept. of Fashion and Beauty Design, Kongyang University) ;
  • La, Young-Sun (Dept. of Fashion and Beauty Design, Kongyang University)
  • 발행 : 2004.03.31


This study was analyzed on relationship of blood vessel pressure massage and skin and management method on blood vessel pressure for skin care with Yin-yang 5 factors theory, Yin-yang 5 factors theory of blood vessel pressure massage with related Korean medicine is essential for descriptions of the physiology of human body and disease. Six elements(wind, heat, fire, dryness, wetness, and cold) and seven emotions(anger, happiness, thought, worry, sadness, surprise, and fear) effected on skin care and the five viscera and the six stomach. Blood vessel pressure massage related with skin consists of the five viscera and the six stomach and is improved blood circulation and is retarded aging of skin by controls of hormone and free nerve system. Blood vessel pressure massage for skin care improved in the intestine system and blood circulation and got healthy. The blood vessel pressure massage treatment of beauty art can aid the function of bio-rhythm of a human body and make our body health by healing the problems of the five viscera organs and the six stomach. It also help circulate of the blood flow and vigor. The study expects the related researches to improve the various treatments through this treatment. The researcher encountered many problems with the lack of concerned materials and former studies but expects this study to be a study to retard aging the skin and prevent the diseases through the study of the blood vessel pressure massage.
