rDNA-ITS 분석에 의한 망태버섯속균(Dictyophora spp.)의 종간 구분 가능성

Interspecific Distinguishability of Veiled Lady Mushrooms (Dictyophora spp.) Based on rDNA-ITS Analysis

  • Cheong, Jong-Chun (Applied Microbiology Division, National Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology, R.D.A.) ;
  • Lee, Myung-Chul (National Institute of Agricultural Biotechnology, R.D.A.) ;
  • Kim, Bum-Gi (National Institute of Agricultural Biotechnology, R.D.A.) ;
  • Park, Dong-Seok (National Institute of Agricultural Biotechnology, R.D.A.) ;
  • Hong, Sung-Beom (National Institute of Agricultural Biotechnology, R.D.A.) ;
  • Park, Jeong-Sik (Applied Microbiology Division, National Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology, R.D.A.)
  • 발행 : 2004.06.30


본 연구는 망태버섯속(Dictyophora species) 균의 종 구분을 위하여 국내수집 5균주와 국외도입 6균주에 대한 rDNA ITS 영역의 PCR-RFLP 및 염기서열을 분석하였다. 그 결과, ASI 32001, 32003, 32005, 32006, 32011이 D. indusiata, ASI 32002, 32007, 32008, 32010이 D. echinovolvata, 그리고 ASI 32004와 Phallus rugulosus ASI 25007은 같은 군으로 그룹화 되었다. 이 결과는 기존에 조사된 배양온도, 배지pH, 선택배지 등 배양적 특성과 재배적, 형태적 특성에 의한 구분과 일치하는 경향이었다. 따라서 rDNA ITS 영역의 PCR-RFLP 및 염기서열분석은 Dictyophora속 보존균주의 종 구분에 있어서 선행적, 보충적 수단으로 활용하기에 충분하다고 판단된다.

To establish the phylogenetic relationships of Dictyophora spp., rDNA-ITS regions of 11 strains of veiled lady mushroom collected from various countries were amplified and sequenced. It was observed that the 11 strains were divided into four groups based on PCR band patterns of each ITS region cleaved by eight different restriction enzymes in cleaved amplified polymorphic sequence analysis (CAPS). The phylogenic relationship of each group by cleaved amplified polymorphic sequence (CAPS) analysis matches well with previously reported morphological phylogeny, such as 5 strains of D. indusiata, 4 strains of D. echinovolvata, and a strain of Phallus rugulosus. Sequence analysis using the cluster V methods showed more detail classification than CAPS analysis. The 5.8S region showed two point nucleotide base exchanges from G to A according to four groups, and four groups were subdivided by sequence variation of ITS I and ITS II regions. But sequence variation of Phallus rugulosus was not showed in full ITS region. This study further delineates the taxonomic level at which ITS sequences, in comparison to ribosomal gene sequence, are most useful in systematics and other mushroom study.



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피인용 문헌

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