Objective: We made the genital organs inflammatory mice model by vaginal injection of Lipopolysaccharide(LPS), and we intended to make study about anti-inflammatory effects of Gangyeong-Tang, among oral and rectal medication and Herbal-Acupuncture treatment. Method: The female ICR(20-30g) mice were used, the temperature was controlled within $22{\pm}0.5^{\circ}C$ and water and food was not limited. The environment was manipulated to simulate 12 hours of day and 12 hours of night. After LPS injection into vagina, we confirmed on-set of inflammation. 2 days before LPS injection, we started to medicate Gangyeong-Tang in Oral and Rectal and Aqua-acupucture treatment. After 3days from LPS injection, we mesured the White Blood Cell(WBC), Interrleukin-6(IL-6), Tumor Necrosis Factor-${\alpha}$(TNF-${\alpha}$) in blood which was collected from the Retro-orbital Plexus. Results: 1. We made the genital organs inflammatory mice model by vaginal injection of LPS successfully. 2. The number of WBC was decreased significantly as we medicated Gangyeong- Tang in Oral 1g/kg dose, 3g/kg dose and Rectal 1g/kg dose, rectal 3g/kg dose. 3. The concentration of IL-6 was decreased significantly as we medicated Gangyeong-Tang in all group of the Oral, Rectal, Herbal-Acupuncture treatment. 4. The concentration of TNF-${\alpha}$ was decreased significantly as we medicated Gangyeong-Tang in Oral 3g/kg dose and Rectal 1g/kg dose, Rectal 3g/kg dose group. Herbal-Acupuncture treatment group datas showed reductive tendency. Conclusion: As a result of this experiment, we made the genital organs inflammatory mice model by vaginal injection of LPS successfully and demonstrated anti-inflammatory effect of Gangyeong-Tang.