건축공간구성에 있어서 경계와 영역의 활용에 관한 연구

A Study on the Application of Boundary and Territory in Aspects of the Spatial Organization of Architecture

  • 권세훈 (대림대학 인테리어디자인, 한양대)
  • 발행 : 2004.08.02


Territory is determined by physical elements that provide the occupants an obvious boundary in a space. The creation of boundary is a interpersonal process by which a person or group regulates interactions with others. The perception of territory needs boundary regulations that mean the composition of horizontal and vertical elements in architectural space. The perception of territory can be defined as perceptual reaction considering not only visual perception on the physical elements in the architectural space and also various kinds of social activity in architectural environment. To achiever territory in architectural space, visible and invisible boundary regulation should be need. It means that territorial boundary regulation needs visual and audial boundary regulation as well as spatial boundary regulation.
