Anatomical study on The Arm Greater Yang Small Intestine Meridian Muscle in Human

수태양소장경근(手太陽小腸經筋)의 해부학적(解剖學的) 연구(硏究)

  • Park, Kyoung-Sik (Dept. of Anatomy, College of Oriental Medicine, Sang-Ji University)
  • 박경식 (상지대학교 한의과대학 해부학교실)
  • Published : 2004.06.25


This study was carried to identify the component of Small Intestine Meridian Muscle in human, dividing the regional muscle group into outer, middle, and inner layer. the inner part of body surface were opened widely to demonstrate muscles, nerve, blood vessels and the others, displaying the inner structure of Small Intestine Meridian Muscle. We obtained the results as follows; 1. Small Intestine Meridian Muscle is composed of the muscle, nerve and blood vessels. 2. In human anatomy, it is present the difference between a term of nerve or blood vessels which control the muscle of Meridian Muscle and those which pass near by Meridian Muscle. 3. The inner composition of meridian muscle in human arm is as follows ; 1) Muscle ; Abd. digiti minimi muscle(SI-2, 3, 4), pisometacarpal lig.(SI-4), ext. retinaculum. ext. carpi ulnaris m. tendon.(SI-5, 6), ulnar collateral lig.(SI-5), ext. digiti minimi m. tendon(SI-6), ext. carpi ulnaris(SI-7), triceps brachii(SI-9), teres major(SI-9), deltoid(SI-10), infraspinatus(SI-10, 11), trapezius(Sl-12, 13, 14, 15), supraspinatus(SI-12, 13), lesser rhomboid(SI-14), erector spinae(SI-14, 15), levator scapular(SI-15), sternocleidomastoid(SI-16, 17), splenius capitis(SI-16), semispinalis capitis(SI-16), digasuicus(SI-17), zygomaticus major(Il-18), masseter(SI-18), auriculoris anterior(SI-19) 2) Nerve ; Dorsal branch of ulnar nerve(SI-1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6), br. of mod. antebrachial cutaneous n.(SI-6, 7), br. of post. antebrachial cutaneous n.(SI-6,7), br. of radial n.(SI-7), ulnar n.(SI-8), br. of axillary n.(SI-9), radial n.(SI-9), subscapular n. br.(SI-9), cutaneous n. br. from C7, 8(SI-10, 14), suprascapular n.(SI-10, 11, 12, 13), intercostal n. br. from T2(SI-11), lat. supraclavicular n. br.(SI-12), intercostal n. br. from C8, T1(SI-12), accessory n. br.(SI-12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17), intercostal n. br. from T1,2(SI-13), dorsal scapular n.(SI-14, 15), cutaneous n. br. from C6, C7(SI-15), transverse cervical n.(SI-16), lesser occipital n. & great auricular n. from cervical plexus(SI-16), cervical n. from C2,3(SI-16), fascial n. br.(SI-17), great auricular n. br.(SI-17), cervical n. br. from C2(SI-17), vagus n.(SI-17),hypoglossal n.(SI-17), glossopharyngeal n.(SI-17), sympathetic trunk(SI-17), zygomatic br. of fascial n.(SI-18), maxillary n. br.(SI-18), auriculotemporal n.(SI-19), temporal br. of fascial n.(SI-19) 3) Blood vessels ; Dorsal digital vein.(SI-1), dorsal br. of proper palmar digital artery(SI-1), br. of dorsal metacarpal a. & v.(SI-2, 3, 4), dorsal carpal br. of ulnar a.(SI-4, 5), post. interosseous a. br.(SI-6,7), post. ulnar recurrent a.(SI-8), circuirflex scapular a.(SI-9, 11) , post. circumflex humeral a. br.(SI-10), suprascapular a.(SI-10, 11, 12, 13), first intercostal a. br.(SI-12, 14), transverse cervical a. br.(SI-12,13,14,15), second intercostal a. br.(SI-13), dorsal scapular a. br.(SI-13, 14, 15), ext. jugular v.(SI-16, 17), occipital a. br.(SI-16), Ext. jugular v. br.(SI-17), post. auricular a.(SI-17), int. jugular v.(SI-17), int. carotid a.(SI-17), transverse fascial a. & v.(SI-18),maxillary a. br.(SI-18), superficial temporal a. & v.(SI-19).



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