치즈 풍미성분의 형성과 EMC 제조기술

Formation of Cheese Flavor and EMC Technology

  • 발행 : 2003.11.21


Cheese flavor is derived from three main pathways, that are proteolysis, lipolysis and glycolysis, the extent of which varies according to the cheese variety. Proteolysis is the most complex of the three primary events during cheese ripening. The basis of EMC technology is the use of specific enzymes acting at optimum conditions to produce required cheese flavors from suitable substrates. These enzymes consist of proteinases, peptidases, lipases, esterases. The key factors in EMC production are the type of cheese flavor required, the type and specificity of enzyme or cultures used, their concentration and some processing parameters, such as pH, temperature, agitation, aeration, and incubation time. The emulsifiers, bacteriocins, flavor compounds, and precursors also effect to it importantly. The dosage of enzyme or starter culture used is dependent on the intensity of flavor required, processing time and temperature and the quality of the initial substrate. To produce a consistent EMC product it is necessary to have a highly controlled process, and a detailed knowledge of the enzymatic reactions under the conditions used must be fully understood.
