The purpose of this study was to analyze the kinematic variables of over head kick(OHK) in soccer with three dimensional analysis technique and show the kinematic characteristics of it. The 7 subjects were university football player who have been playing football more than 7 years. The OHK was filmed on 16mm video camera(30frame/sec.) kinematic variables were temporal, postures, and COG(center of gravity). The mean values and the standard deviation for each variables were obtained and used as basic factors for examining characteristics of OHK. The results of this analysis were as follows : Temporal variables : The total time elapsed(TE) of OHK was $0.95{\sim}1.14sec$, the 1st phase was 0.35sec., 2nd phase was 0.46sec., and 3rd phase was 0.22sec.. Posture variables : When subjects performed OHK at the impact event, the ankle and knee angle of kicking foot were more extend than supporting foot. but the hip angle of supporting foot were more extend than kirking foot. Moving distance of the center of mass of the both foot. When subject performed OHK at the impact event, the range of distance on mediolateral direction aspect into right left shoulder line, anteroposterior direction aspect was $20.9{\pm}10.5cm$, vertical direction aspect was $92.3{\pm}19.9cm$. Angular velocity : the faster angular velocity of knee ankle on the kicking foot pew form jump position to landing position, the faster velocity of ball became. C. O. G. variables. When subject performed OHK at the impact event, upper part of the body was getting lower, lower part of the body was getting higher.