The purposes of this study were to analyze the muscle activities and the characteristics of muscle recruiting patterns of upper trunk for Ssirum dutguri technique using three top-ranked elite Ssirum players. The EMG technique was used to record muscle activities of both right and left sides of latissimus dorsi, biceps brachii, and erector spinae. Six surface electrodes were placed on the surface of the selected muscles and one ground electrode was also attached on the back of neck(C7). One video camera was also used to record the Ssirum motion to define 4 events and 3 phases for further analysis. The raw EMG data were filtered with band pass filter (50-400 Hz) to remove artifacts and then low pass filtered (4 Hz) to find the linear envelope which resemble muscle tension curve. This filtered EMG data were normalized to MVIC for the purpose of comparion between the subjects. The results were indicated that each subject with different physical characteristics showed very different muscle activity patterns. Although Ssirum dutguri is considered as foot technique the player grasped opponent's satba(belt) with both hands when they play. Because of this reason, activities of upper trunk muscles were relatively high. However, direct comparison between upper and lower body muscles was not possible due to the lack of the data in present study. Interestingly, all threes subjects showed that erector spinae muscle activity was comparatively higher than those of latissimus dorsi and biceps brachii. This implies to reinforce back muscle as a routine of training to improve performance or to prevent back injury.